Offerte Freenove kit robot quadruped con telecomando (compatibile con arduino ide), app remote control, walking crawling twisting servo progetto stem

Photo Gallery freenove kit robot quadruped con telecomando (compatibile con arduino ide), app remote control, walking crawling twisting servo progetto stem Prezzo:109,95 
Categoria:Robot telecomandati Freenove
Recensioni:Leggi opinioni su freenove kit robot quadruped con telecomando compatibile arduino
Valutazione: 4.1 

Quale scegliere tra i prodotti: Robot telecomandati Freenove?

This robot can crawl and twist like a living creature. (Assembly required. Battery NOT included.), Provides detailed assembly tutorial and complete code -> The download link can be found on the product box. (No paper tutorial.), Control methods -> Controlled wirelessly by remote (included in this kit), your Android phone or tablet, iPhone and computer (run Windows, macOS or Raspberry Pi OS)., Provides support -> Our technical support team is always ready to answer your questions., Needs battery -> Refer to "AboutBattery.pdf" in downloaded file to buy.

Robot telecomandati, Radiocomandati e telecomandati, Giochi e giocattoli

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