Offerte Black chantry productions vampire the eternal struggle 5th edition tzimisce | card game

Photo Gallery black chantry productions vampire the eternal struggle 5th edition tzimisce | card game Prezzo:23,99 
Marca:Black Chantry Productions
Categoria:Giochi di società Black Chantry Productions
Recensioni:Leggi opinioni su black chantry productions vampire the eternal struggle 5th
Valutazione: 4.2 

Quale scegliere tra i prodotti: Giochi di società Black Chantry Productions?

Versatile Toolbox: Utilize mind-altering Dominate powers and shape-shifting abilities to gain influence and outmaneuver opponents., Strategic Gameplay: Customize your deck with 77 library cards and 12 crypt cards for endless tactical possibilities., Shape-shifting Abilities: Transform into bats, mist, or monstrous forms to escape danger or wreak havoc on your foes., Ghoul Servants: Command hideous ghouls and animal spies for defense and reconnaissance., Ready-to-Play: Each deck is pre-built and ready for play out of the box, or customize it with other Vampire: The Eternal Struggle cards for personalized strategies.

Giochi di società, Giochi da tavolo, Giochi da tavola, di società e accessori, Giochi e giocattoli

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