Offerte Contraxt baby milestone cards unisex uk. baby monthly wooden milestone discs baby cards newborn for girls and boys milestone moments photo set pregnancy milestone cards uk (months)

Photo Gallery contraxt baby milestone cards unisex uk. baby monthly wooden milestone discs baby cards newborn for girls and boys milestone moments photo set pregnancy milestone cards uk (months) Prezzo:9,99 
Categoria:Set da regalo CONTRAXT
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BABY MILESTONE CARDS GIRL AND BOY: Set of wooden baby month birthday cards in English made up of 6 wooden discs with numbers on both sides (12 months), ideal for celebrating your baby's first birthday in his first year. These unisex newborn baby cards are valid for boys and girls, NEWBORN GIFTS: If you are looking for original gifts for newborn babies, these beautiful milestone cards unisex in English are a different, alternative and original idea that will surprise mum and dad, CREATE BEAUTIFUL MEMORIES: Create beautiful photos for your baby months calendar with this baby milestone discs kit or milestone baby cards. An original birth book that you will love to show to your friends and family, QUALITY MATERIALS: Our monthly baby milestone are wooden discs with the different months of the baby. The wooden cards are laser cut with high precision to guarantee a good quality, ORIGINAL GIFT FOR NEWBORNS: Support local commerce and artisan products with these original gifts for new parents and newborn babies. Each baby months milestone is handmade in our workshop, taking care of every detail

Set da regalo, Regali per neonati, Prima infanzia, Biglietti di auguri, Biglietti e cartoncini, Carta, blocchi e quaderni, Cancelleria e prodotti per ufficio

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