Offerte Trivial pursuit live - download code (switch)

Photo Gallery trivial pursuit live - download code (switch) Prezzo:20,00 
Categoria:Giochi per Nintendo Switch Ubisoft
Recensioni:Leggi opinioni su trivial pursuit live download code switch

Quale scegliere tra i prodotti: Giochi per Nintendo Switch Ubisoft?

Download code only. No game cartridge in the box, standard multiple choice: get the correct answer out of 4 choices!, ranged multiple choices: take turns to choose the best answer out of 5 options! Each answer can only be selected once., category bank: race against others to find the 8 correct answers out of a bank of 16., 2 answer bank: answer a rapid succession of 5 questions and choose the right answer between two. The possible answers remain the same for the whole round..thanks to the Nintendo Switch, you can now enjoy trivial pursuit wherever and whenever you want! Play at home on your TV screen or on-the-go in tabletop and handheld modes..

Giochi per Nintendo Switch, Giochi, console e accessori per Nintendo Switch, Videogiochi, Giochi più attesi, b7ae1c52-e027-4490-992d-f30d67f9fe70_501, b7ae1c52-e027-4490-992d-f30d67f9fe70_0, Special Features Stores, Self Service, Arborist Merchandising Root, Dragon Quest Builders, b7ae1c52-e027-4490-992d-f30d67f9fe70_4401, Bambini e Ragazzi, b7ae1c52-e027-4490-992d-f30d67f9fe70_5301, Tennis World Tour, b7ae1c52-e027-4490-992d-f30d67f9fe70_201

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